Home Sweet Home

Hooray! We made it back to Greenwood yesterday. We had an excellent trip. What to say about it... let's see...

Distance: 2, 420 miles. Not bad. Just a trip around the block compared to the great road trip of -06.
Hours of NPR listened to: incalculable.
Winteriest Weather: Lawrence was cold and snowy. Iowa City was colder and snowier. Thursday morning was 64 degrees colder than it is in Greenwood right now.
Worst Big City to drive through: Atlanta, by far. Sure its nice to have 16 lanes to choose from, but when they're all full things get a little stressful. Runner-up in this category goes to Nashville for requiring a cartography degree in order to exit the city on the same interstate you entered on.
Best Wildlife: Iowa. We saw several bald eagles, tons of hawks, wild turkeys, and a bunny.
Cutest Niece: Ashlyn! We were very excited to finally meet our first niece!
Cutest Nephew: Hmm. This one's too close to call. Let's say that Jackson wins the "Cutest Nephew - Kansas Division" and Sam wins the "Cutest Nephew - Non-Kansas Division."
Games: We played quite a few. I got fairly well trounced throughout the trip, losing in Scrabble, two games of Settlers, and a down-to-the-wire game of HORSE on a toddler basketball hoop in Bro's basement. But I did find some redemption in beating cousin Kaelin in Guitar Hero on the final night of the trip.
Pictures: Yup. A memory card and a half of them. Highlights to follow.


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