Coming down a peg.....

I had a surprising realization while cleaning our bathroom yesterday. (Seriously.)

During the time we lived in Charleston, each time I cleaned our bathroom (probably not as often as I should have) I silently grumbled at Jeff for how messy our sink got. I, after all, ALWAYS tried to wash the sink out after brushing my teeth. I was NOT the messy one.

Now we each have our own sink in the bathroom. And I have to admit....mine is hands-down the messier one. Not his. And the mirror by his sink?

Relatively free of water splotches. Unlike mine.

That passage about the speck and the plank should probably be rewritten for me to say I should get the multitudes of frothy stain out of my own sink before I worry about the occasional splotches in someone else's.


Ken said…
Things aren't looking good for Pete, Sam, and Rob now!
Anonymous said…
Finally, some vindication!
Ken said…
Vindication... but only if those guys read the blog. Maybe you should print out and mail framed copies of Aubrey's confession to those guys. Or maybe have it hung it that apartment (I forget the number) as a memorial.

ellen b. said…
Love how you put that verse into the everyday like that! It's a goal of mine to change that quickness in my mind to blame others or do an instant judgement! yikes. Change my mind Lord!
Ed said…
Interestingly, my wife had the same realization (with almost precisely the same reaction) a couple of weeks ago-- not more than two months after first acquiring our home with his/hers sinks...

Congrats to Jeff.

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