ER Lesson #37

This is what I learned at work today:

Do not take Clorox (or any other cleaner for that matter) and pour it out of its bottle and put it into a cup, especially not a sippy cup that actually belongs to the not quite 18-month-old who lives at the house and may actually be able to reach the cup and get a drink.

Apparently the majority of accidental ingestions of cleaners occur because they were put into a bottle or cup where they don't belong.

This is what else I learned:

Clorox (surprisingly) is not actually that bad for you. I mean, I'm not recommending that anyone go out and drink it, but the kind that people have around the house does not really do that much damage.

(Who knew?)


Melanie said…
Shoot. And I thought I was being creative by storing all my cleaners in Sam's cups. I mean, he's SO discerning about what he puts in his mouth, I figured he'd surely know the bleach wasn't for him to DRINK.

ASB said…

Hey friend! SO excited to see you this week! When do you guys get in? Where are you staying? Also, did you get the invite to the dinner on Friday night? We've had some problems with the post office losing invitations! Its at 7:00pm at concordia seminary. You can have a choice of beef or chicken. If you can let me know asap what you and Jeff would like to eat our caterer would appreciate it! Can't wait to see you! Oh, also, will you bring your camera and take pictures on Friday and Saturday? You're a great photographer and I'd love to have lots of pictures from the two days!


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