
I have a great husband. Have I mentioned that before? And being with him during this extended time of waiting for job has made me love him even more.

This spring, even though he isn't the pastor of our little church, he has really been putting a lot of himself into everything. I know I mentioned a few months ago about how he was elected a ruling elder. He has continued to teach both a Sunday night men's discipleship group and a wednesday night study on Judges open to the whole congregation. Because we lost our pulpit supply, he's also been having to fill in a little more lately. AND he's also been doing a lot of thinking and planning about how to make our church more inviting to visitors. He redesigned our bulletin, making one that is very clean and modern looking. I never knew he had such design skills. He's also planning a new church website; we'll be the first church in Cross Hill to have one. I love how dilligently he's continued serving God right where he is now. It would be easy to check out and wait until he had a job doing what he loved. But he isn't. He's faithfully and lovingly plugging away right here.

And I love him for it.


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