
It's been a little quieter around the ole' blog lately. I enjoy having this space to be able to write, but I guess lately I just have other things going on.

My friend Gray made what seemed to me a very reasonable resolution: to clean for 30 minutes each day, using either a product or a device. I am much more of a feast-or-famine type cleaner, frantically trying to clean everything in one big swoop while in between letting things just pile up. But 30 minutes is really not that long, so I am trying to do something every day. We'll see how long this lasts.

In addition to trying to keep things a little neater around here, I am also trying to be much more diligent about personal bible study and quiet time. This is something I have struggled with for a long time. Of course, there is always an excuse as to why it isn't happening. I'm a med student. I'm an intern. I'm a resident. I'm pregnant. I have a newborn. I'm tired. You get the idea. I want Judah to love the Lord and seek him with all his heart. But how will he do that when I'm not even taking the time to sit and pray and listen?

In light of this, I have been convicted lately about the amount of time I spend on TV/internet/ and the like. I am not saying that I am not going to blog, but maybe just try to be a little quieter.


Sue Tell said…
Bless you my precious daughter-in-love.

It will be fun to see how God expands your time as you listen to Him for the other things in life that are also important.

And I can't wait to hear what you are hearing. :)

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