Our bags are packed and in the car. This, I assume, ensures us several more days before the little one arrives. :) Even though my bag is already in the car, I decided to do some research on what the mighty expert known as Dr. Google would have to say about it, just to make sure I do have what I need. There were obvious things, like something to wear home, something for the baby to wear home, a toothbrush. (These I could figure out for myself.) Then there are some outdated things. For instance, almost every list I saw told the dad to bring "change for a payphone, calling card, and a list of phone numbers." Since when does someone these days need change for a payphone? Every 15 year old pregnant patient I've delivered has either made a phone call or sent a text with in minutes of giving birth. Even my Mennonite patients use the cell phone in the delivery room. And they all also still say to bring camera and film . Which also seems like a somewhat quaint suggestion. I did se
North, SC
Pumpkintown, SC (good to sub in the song "Funkytown")
and as a Hoosier, here are some from there:
Buddah, IN (unincorporated outside of Bedford. Probably not any Buddhists there, but I digress)
Needmore, IN -- which is only funny because of the school there called "Needmore School" I'm not kidding.
and then all of the towns/schools with French spelling, which we Hoosiers like to mispronounce (why add the extra letters if you aren't going to say them?):
La Fontaine (la fountain)
Versailles (ver-SAILS)
Terre Haute (terra hote)
Notre Dame (Noter Dame)
Along Annie's line: there's a town in Virginia called Buena Vista-- yes, pronounced "Byoo-nah Vista".
Only in the south ...
Thanks for your visit to my blog. A little extra running encouragement definitely helps. :)
Slapout, AL (because it's "slap out in the middle of nowhere" - yes, I'm serious)
Palmer, AL and Remlap, AL - which were founded by brothers. Remlap is Palmer backwards.
Pineapple, AL
Florala, AL (on the Florida-Alabama border. Original, huh?)
Waterloo, AL (like Napoleon)
The list can go on and on.