
Yesterday, we officially became homeowners! We signed all the paperwork, got our keys, and even started painting. That said, since we haven't set up our internet up yet in Greenwood, we may not be posting much over the next week, but I promise we'll add photos of all the painting and decorating when we can. Here is a little peak of what we've done so far:

Painting: (we'll post after pictures later.)
Eating our first meal on our lovely, quiet deck - we didn't hear a single siren then ENTIRE time we were eating. A real rarity for us.

Our Key!!! Isn't it cute. I'm kind of sad that we're going to change our locks and have to go back to a normal, silver key.

Notice the paint splotch? I've decided I am physically incapable of painting without getting paint ALL OVER ME. It should be an interesting few weeks.


Rachelle said…
How exciting for you. Congratulations!
Banana said…
bro, are you eating in your boxer-briefs? bro
Anonymous said…
This response is a bit delayed, but I'll go ahead and say no, bro, those are not boxer briefs. Those are gym shorts, which, as I slumped further and further down the railing, did not slump with me, but stayed put, thus being higher and higher on my leg. bro

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