So much to post

But so little time. We are slowly getting our new house painted, and our boxes unloaded. I am getting to be on a first name basis with the lowe's paint guy, since it does seem that we make at least one trip every day there. My legs and arms continue to be a testament to the many different colors of paint we are using in our house. We WILL post some photos, soon, but since we don't actually have internet at our house yet, that hasn't been possible. We did enjoy having our first overnight guest, my good friend and classmate, Barbara, and we had our first little dinner party, except that instead of having people over for dinner, we actually had them over for breakfast this morning - biscuits, eggs, bacon, and sausage gravy. (A good, healthy, Southern breakfast!) Now we're taking a break to go to Atlanta with my family to see the Cubs play the Braves!!

We are loving our new house, though, and I have even managed to use our big, beautiful tub almost every day we've been there. A good long soak is just what this doctor ordered after hours spent painting and lifting.


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