
So here is the first picture ever taken of Jeff and I together, right when we first started dating. A lot has happened since then. I mean, we actually got married!! I think we both look a good bit younger, or at least different. It's been a good three and a half years, though. And it's strange to think that I'm already (almost) graduating from medical school. Back then med school was a huge mountain looming before me, but now I can almost taste the end. I'm definitely glad that I had such a great person to be with during these years. Who knew medical school would be as fun as it has been?


Sara said…
Hey I took that picture of you guys! That was Lukey's "overall" birthday bash. Good times.
Ken said…
I don't understand the part about looking "a good bit younger." Does the pronoun "we" in that sentence refer to you and Jeff? While I don't see many other options, I suppose there's always a chance that the picture was cropped and there are some other pronoun referents to choose from...

Looking a good bit younger?



Confused in NJ

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