December 4

This is Kim.

She's been one of my closest friends ever since the 8th grade. I was the new kid, transferring from the tiny Christian school to the big, scary junior high. I had no idea what public school was going to be like. I remember being scared I would have a hard time finding good Christian friends.

Then I met Kim. I don't remember the first time we really talked, but I vaguely knew of her because she went to the same church as another of my good friends from the Christian school. We had 5th period English and 6th period algebra together. We sat next to each other and sometimes passed notes commenting on cute boys who may have been in our classes. Thankfully, we ended up having lots of classes together all through high school and she was an encouragement to me through them all.

After we graduated from different colleges, we both then (separately) decided to go to Covenant Seminary, where we got to be roommates. She was there the first time Jeff called me to ask me on a date. She was my maid of honor. She is one of the kindest, most patient people I know, and has an amazing heart to minister to people with special needs. She's also quietly humorous and beautiful both inside and out.

It's always a treat to see her and I was thankful she could meet my mom and Judah and I for a little shopping trip to a craft fair in Greenville.

Yay for Saturdays off!


CO mom said…
What a lovely affirmation of a very special friend!

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