
I took Judah on a walk this evening as has been our ritual since Jeff and I moved in this house and got a dog. Before we were pregnant we walked almost every night. While we were pregnant we walked, though a little slower, especially since every time we walked up the big hill in the front of the neighborhood I had a contraction. I actually tried walking up it a few times to induce labor when I was near my due date, but alas it didn't work.

Tonight's walk was just Judah, the dog, and I. It started sprinkling on us part way through - which I loved. It was just enough to cool us down. At the top of the big hill, I suddenly noticed a big rainbow. I tried to turn Judah's stroller around in such a way that he could see it - it was his first rainbow after all - but he hasn't yet learned how to look at things I point at or understand what I mean when I say "sky."

So I stood there, just enjoying it.

People have been so kind and gracious to us in these last few days. People always ask us how we're doing with it all. Honestly, I feel like I'm doing better than I would have guessed. The same with Jeff - I'd say he's doing much better than I had imagined he would in the face of such a disappointment. All I can say is that God has continued to give us more grace, and has not allowed us to be discouraged.

Standing in the middle of the road tonight, I felt like that rainbow was put there just for me. To remind me of God's promises. Not just that one, but the promise to never leave us or forsake us. To give us a hope and a future. To be faithful to complete the good work he started. To supply all our needs. To give us victory over death. That all things will work together for our good. That his grace is sufficient.

Tonight, I'm praising God for all those promises.

And for rainbows.


COmom said…
Oh Aubrey, you brought tears to my eyes AGAIN. This time tears of thankfulness and Joy for your heart and Jeff's too. What a gift this post is to a mother's heart and what a gift Jeff's post was on "worry".

Is 30:21 was added to my Scriptures that I've been praying for you, "your ears will hear a word behind you saying, 'this is the way, walk in it.'"
Alecia W. said…
Well said and well lived, my friend. Praying for all three of you.
Thinking of you. It sounds like you are doing okay with the uncertainty. I love how God doesn't let us flail. He knows that sometimes we need tangible reminders that it's going to be okay. It ends well.

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