My first official ultrasound

We had our official anatomy scan on Wednesday. It was great.

First of all, I wasn't trying to crane my neck while simultaneously holding the probe and trying to get a good picture. There was actually a professional there for that. She was super nice - and quite good. She was able to find everything quickly and without any trouble.

Then there was the warm ultrasound gel. I've heard women talk about how nice it is, but having never had I couldn't personally testify. Now I know, though, and I'm going to petitioning our program to pick up a warmer.

Everything seemed to be in the right place and growing well. Our baby measured something like 4 days ahead - so he/she is growing right on track. There are sweet little feet, hands, back bone - everything looks good. Now that I'm feeling the baby move much more reliably and have had a good scan, my anxiety is slowly waning.

And no, we didn't find out the gender. We've been thinking all along we wanted to wait and be surprised. So everyone will just have to wait a little longer.

Pictures to follow soon!


Melanie said…
Love it. All of it - especially you three :)

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