Four things I think I think.

1. I think I like the name of this post, and I think it would make a good name for a regularly recurring feature. Unfortunately, people will think I stole the name from the similarly titled "Three things I think I think" which is a regularly recurring feature on the back page of Sports Illustrated. People will be right.

2. I think we had a great time this weekend while my parents were visiting from Colorado. We had breakfast at our favorite local digs, played scrabble, drank coffee, chatted, ate a big, early Thanksgiving dinner, and my parents got to hear me preach. Mostly, we just enjoyed being together as a family, and thanks to Mom and Dad, we now have our first piece of decor for the baby's room.

3. Aubrey and I both think that our nightly walks around the block with our dog are one of the best parts of each day. I think Lucy thinks that too.

4. I think that if you so desire, and you have a moment, and its not putting you out, that you should check out my new blog. It's called "The Moose are in Need of Reproof." It's a serious blog with a silly title. The blog is a joint effort co-written with my friend Ken Shomo. Not to worry, I will still be blogging here, sharing my thoughts that I think I thought.


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