Lunch Boxes work for me.

Several weeks ago, I decided to start taking my lunch to work. This has been one of the best decisions for me. See, at my job, they actually provide lunch for us. One of the nice ladies who works in our office orders lunch every single day from a different local restaurant or catering place, or sometimes just from the hospital cafeteria. The problem, though, was that I often found myself being grumpy about what I was eating because I like to try to eat somewhat healthily, and while we occasionally we'd have healthy things like salad, usually it's some kind of huge sandwich on white bread, or fried chicken, or chicken fingers, or pizza. I decided that instead of being annoyed, there was an easy remedy. Getting a lunch box and bringing something with me. So now, while everyone around me is eating some heavy, less-than-healthy lunch, I get to munch on carrots with homemade hummus, veggie sandwiches on wheat bread, and yogurt. (For example.)

I did buy this great thing I bring my lunch in, and I wanted to share it here.

I bought mine from Target for 5-10$. That little blue thing the small boxes are sitting on? That's an ice pack. There's room for something in the bottom part - a sandwich, leftovers from last night's dinner, or whatever else you'd like to put there. Then the ice pack goes on top of that, then the little boxes fit on top of that. Then you close it up. And you have a nice, compact, lunch that stays cold. I usually put veggies in one little box and yogurt in the other.

So now I'm eating healthier and never find myself grumbling about what's for lunch. Because since I brought it, it's delicious every day. And that definitely works for me. For other ideas and very, very cute lunches, check out this site.


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