Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings Flow

Those of you who have known Jeff and I probably know that we have been praying for Jeff to get a ministry job since before we were married. He moved to Charleston hoping to find work in a church. Instead, God provided us a job close to our house that paid our bills and Jeff worked in a bank for almost four years while I finished med school.

While applying to residency, he continued his search for a ministry job, and we prayed that he would find one and let that guide us to where we should go to residency. Instead, we submitted our rank list and chose the program we felt God was leading us to, and God provided Jeff with some scholarship money to go back to graduate school and start a Masters of Theology.

Now, almost a year after moving to Greenwood, Jeff has been asked to become the interim pastor for a tiny PCA church in the town of Cross Hill, SC. He'll get to preach every week, plus do some visitation as this church has several older members who cannot always make it on Sunday morning. We feel so blessed to have this opportunity. We know that God does hear the prayers of his people and that many of you were praying for us and especially for Jeff to find a job doing something he loved. And this job is just perfect in many ways, since it is very close to Greenwood (only about 20 minutes away), and it is part time, meaning he can continue his studies, which he loves.

We know that God has a plan in all of this and that the time he spent in Charleston was certainly not wasted. But as his wife, I did not enjoy seeing him working a job that did not use all the wonderful talents and skills God had given him as he faithfully provided for our little family. So I am extremely excited now to see him use his gifts and minister to this small congregation of believers.

So thanks to all you who have faithfully prayed for us. And thanks be to God, who always upholds us in his hand.

O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar.
You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
You hem me in, behind and before,
and lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
it is high; I cannot attain it.

Psalm 139:1-6


Anonymous said…
Congrats Jeff!!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing about this. I was wondering if you were going to.
The Balls said…
That is SO wonderful!!!
Ken said…

This is great news. I look forward to talking to you and hearing your impressions. I'm glad you can preach and continue your further studies.

congratulations Jeff! God is good!
Anonymous said…
God is good! Again, we can be reminded that His timing is perfect. We're so glad for you and I know the folks you minister to will be blessed.

Aunt RE
Totallyscrappy said…
May God continue to bless your family as your husband takes on this call.
Rachelle said…
Finally caught up on my reading. WOWsers, what a wonderful opportunity!

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