weekend plans!

Tonight Andrew and Melanie come back! They are coming into town for a wedding, and Andrew will stay through Sunday, while Melanie will be here in SC for another week! Of course, everyone is excited about the coming baby so there are going to be a few showers for them both here in Charleston and up in the Upstate where we all grew up. I'm just glad to get to hang out again with everyone. Plus, on saturday, we are planning on going to Hominy Grill for brunch, one of my two favorite restaurants in Charleston.

The new rotation continues to be great. Yesterday I met for about an hour or so with the chaplain, just kind of talking about theology and visiting patients, then i got to go home. And today I'm at the library waiting for him to call me to meet him somewhere to go and visit a patient. I've started studying for Step 2 of the Boards, so a few hours at the library should do me some good.

I've never been much of a "library-studier." During college and especially during medical school, there were always those people who always went to the library to study. Lots of my med school classmates had their own table all picked out at the library. If someone else deigned to sit there during study week, there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth. I always like to go and study either at the Atlanta Bread company (this was in the days before charleston became home to a Panera, a much finer establishment in my opinion) or Barnes and Noble (I didn't really do my finest studying here, since I was often distracted by all the books I wanted to, and sometimes did, read.) and occasionally Starbucks. There was also a local place called Port City Java, but lots of people I knew studied there, so I often was distracted if I went there. I also hated studying at home. I guess somehow that leaving the apartment made me feel like I could be more productive, especially back in the days when Morgan and I lived together and she had a big TV that I was often distracted by. Now that Jeff and I don't have a TV, it's not as much of an issue, but I still get a little stir crazy sitting and studying all day in the apartment. I probably did my best studying either at the ABC or starbucks, since I remember numerous occasions I was actually crying in Barnes and Noble during study week because I was reading a book. (Specifically both The Kite Runner and My Sister's Keeper.) But I suppose I should give in and just go ahead and try out this whole "library studying" business. I may just find that I like it.


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