it's too hot to run

Normally in the afternoon these days, I like to go to the gym. During the fall and winter, I'm much more likely to go run, but this summer has been especially hot, so I've been doing most of my working out indoors. Today, when I got to the gym, I saw that the gym was closed all afternoon today because of faculty convocation. (Why they have to close the cardio room, I'm not sure, since I don't think any part of the convocation will involve elliptical machines or treadmills.)

So instead of going to the gym, I thought, "It's not THAT hot out here. I can run in this."

No. Bad, Aubrey.

I just got back from one of my hottest runs ever. Ugg. I wanted to take a cold shower, but around here since it's so hot outside that the water is really only cold for the first 3 minutes or so. Then it just gets lukewarm.

It was so bad, when I ran into a friend from church who was shopping with her 7-month old daughter, I swear the baby looked at me and thought, "what an idiot. Even I know Charleston is not the kind of city where you go running at 3:30 in the summer." I think she may have even been laughing at me.


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