Fun crafts!

Well, since I gave away most of what I made last week, I thought I'd go ahead and share some photos of my fun projects that I've been working on. I got the idea for this from Rebecca over at View from a Prairie Box.

I made stencils from freezer paper and ironed them on some white onesies and got some fabric paints and went to town! I used some clip art from my computer, some stencils I found in a stencil book from the library, and some stencils from this website.

I made a few other things, some of which still need to be mailed. :) Plus I made a pregnancy tank top for Melanie that said "Covenant Child" and had an arrow pointing down at her belly. :)

Ah....reformed humor. Almost as good as seminary humor. :) Or medical school humor. :) Sometimes, I crack myself up.....


Anonymous said…
Those turned out great! I love the stencils you picked. Question: did fabric paint turn out to be a good thing? My acrylic paint leaves the fabric a bit rough, but there weren't many fabric paint colors to choose from at the hobby store...

- Rebecca
Melanie said…
As the recipient of these fabulous onesies and burp cloths, I just had to post a comment. They're even cuter than they look here. What a great aunt this kid has! Thanks, Aubrey!

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