A few things.
1. This weekend was the annual resident retreat. This year, though, I was not a resident. Thus there is no annual post highlighting a trip to the mountains. Instead, I had the pleasure of taking overnight intern call at the hospital on saturday night. I was at the hospital all night, taking outside calls and answering floor pages about our patients who need tylenol or had low calcium. Ah, the joy. I do not miss those days. Not one bit.
2. I also participated in a women's health event up at the church I grew up in where I got to be on an "expert" panel. I felt a little like an imposter - sitting on an expert panel. But I certainly have learned a LOT these last several years and it was fun sharing some of what I know to educate the community.
3. My dad actually flew me back to Greenwood last night and picked me up this morning so we could spend a little more time at their house. Going to call by airplane is infinitely cooler than going by car.
4. We did this so that we could finally take my sweet Judah baby to the church I grew up in. There are so many people who have prayed for me for a long time who have yet to meet him. (Such is life when you are married to a pastor and can't really go somewhere just for the weekend.) Sadly, he started having a fever on Saturday night and continued having one all day today. So no church for us. On the bright side, I was thankful for a chance to take my post call nap. And sick Judah is super snuggly. But also super fussy. Hopefully he'll be better tomorrow, when I go back to work.
2. I also participated in a women's health event up at the church I grew up in where I got to be on an "expert" panel. I felt a little like an imposter - sitting on an expert panel. But I certainly have learned a LOT these last several years and it was fun sharing some of what I know to educate the community.
3. My dad actually flew me back to Greenwood last night and picked me up this morning so we could spend a little more time at their house. Going to call by airplane is infinitely cooler than going by car.
4. We did this so that we could finally take my sweet Judah baby to the church I grew up in. There are so many people who have prayed for me for a long time who have yet to meet him. (Such is life when you are married to a pastor and can't really go somewhere just for the weekend.) Sadly, he started having a fever on Saturday night and continued having one all day today. So no church for us. On the bright side, I was thankful for a chance to take my post call nap. And sick Judah is super snuggly. But also super fussy. Hopefully he'll be better tomorrow, when I go back to work.