And Then There Were Three!

For all those who have been looking for news... we have news!

It's a boy!!!!!!

Judah Anthony Tell was born last night at 6:15 PM. He's a healthy baby boy with light brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and 22 inches long.

Both Judah and Aubrey (and Jeff) are doing well.

"She bore a son and said, 'This time I will praise the Lord.' Therefore she called his name Judah."

Genesis 29:35


Yea! I hope you get to come home soon.
Unknown said…
YEAH! Congrats.
Pam said…
Congratulations! He's beautiful!!
Melanie said…
Thank you, Jesus, for sweet Judah! I'm not sure Iowa has ever felt so far away. Can't wait to see you ALL soon!!
COmom&gramma said…
Colorado feels pretty far away too.
What a most wonderful gift to our family. Love All of you.
Scooper said…
The waterworks are in full gear here. Such a beautiful and appropriate name...and full of strength. He is an incredibly handsome boy with such defined features to be a newborn. Congratulations to you guys! You're in our prayers. Aubrey, you're a rock star. Way to go!
MJUnderwood said…
He's so sweet, Aubrey & Jeff. Congrats!
Annie said…
Now you can join in on all the war stories of childbirth!!! :)

He's a beautiful baby and I know you treasure him. Congrats!
Sarah said…
REO in CA said…
Welcome to the family, Judah. California is pretty far away too. Glad you are all well.
Aunt RE, Uncle L
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! He's a cutie.
Jenny Quld said…
Congratulations, he is gorgeous!
Elsa Meyer said…
He is super cute!! Congratulations! I also love the name.
Elsa Meyer said…
He definitely looks like a Rampey, at least in the second picture.
Megan said…
SUCH exciting news! Congrats, congrats!!!
Ken said…
Big congrats to mom and baby! (and jeff)

Seriously--quite glad you are all doing well, and Judah looks wonderful.

Praise the Lord.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations and our very best wishes to you all for health, happiness and dreams-come-true!

Aubrey, Judah looks just like you. . .well, maybe he's a little bit "old man" going bald. . .and do I detect a bit of red highlights in his hair? The daily changes are fun to observe (and I'm not referring to diaper changes!).

We look forward to meeting the newest Tell! Our best to all!

xo, Sara, Chuck & the home team
Catherine said…
Hooray! We're so happy for your newly-expanded family!
j... said…
congrats! he is beautiful...& you look amazing too (better than i can imagine after labor!)
Emilie said…
1 day is close enough to be birthday buddies! Congratulations. So glad he's here safely.
RT said…
Facebook has a Like option. But for this, I Love.

Congratulations! Judah is amazing and wonderful.

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