Quick Takes

1. I am finding it more and more difficult to answer graciously when people ask me when we're having children. My standard is "We'll see." It's short and does not really reveal any information, since I usually don't feel telling people I don't know the whole story. After everything that's happened, some days (like today) I just want to saw something snappy. Or start crying. Or both. Deep down, of course, I know that people do not mean anything by this seemingly innocent question, and I want desperately to be forgiving and understanding and not hold what they don't know against them. But it's not easy.

2. Yesterday, I booked our flights to California!! We'll be gone for almost 2 whole weeks, exploring much of the state and, most importantly, be away from the hospital. I can't wait.

3. Irises that we planted in our yard last year have sprouted and bloomed. Seeing those purple flowers around our mailbox gives my heart a little encouragement every time I drive away or come home.

4. I love, love, love putting together shutterfly books. I've been working on one recently, and for those of us who are scrapbook-challenged, it's a great way to collect and have hard copies of your digital photos. The website is easy to use, there are lots of great backgrounds available, and the finished product looks great! To save money when purchasing books, I will look on ebay, and often there are coupon codes for either a discount or a free book - so you can spend a little money, and end up getting a book for much cheaper.

5. We are starting to do a little looking into where we might go after graduation. It's scary that a)I'll be a "real" doctor in a little over a year, and that b) I'm going to have to find a "real" job (as opposed to the "fake" job I have now that keeps me at work sometimes up to 60 hours/week.) Right now, we are fairly wide open as to where we might go. Jeff is beginning to look at graduate programs, so we'll see. It should be interesting.

6. I really want to make these chocolate chip cookies. For months, I've been seeing pictures of them on the web, and they always make my mouth water. I have been trying to eat better, (read - no sweets) though, and am mostly succeeding, so I guess I should wait for some kind of special occasion. Anyone else heard of/made these?

7. I cannot think of a (good) 7th quick take. I'm sitting in our pediatrics clinic, in between patients, and waiting for a lab to come back, and that is all I can think about. That, plus the fact that I'm on call tonight for our hospitalist service. I'm hoping for a quiet night.

For more of Seven Quick Takes, visit Jen.


RT said…
I totally want to try making a digital scrapbook. They look awesome--thanks for the Shutterfly recommendation.

I struggle when people ask me if Liv is my only child. Simple answer is yes, but often I'm in the midst of church folks, most of whom have something like a million children a piece. I've been adding on an awkward, "We'll see what God's going to do..." I imagine it's more awkward to hear, "Well, I lost my second baby at 9 weeks, and we've been open to adopting another since Livia was one. So actually, I'm feeling very unsuccessful in the child department. Thanks for asking!" Argh.
Aubrey said…
What I felt like saying this morning was something to the effect of, "When do I think we'll have children? Since I've been trying for almost two years and just had a miscarriage, hopefully as soon as possible." Or maybe even just "I don't think that's any of your business."

Instead, I just try to smile and say my lame little "We'll see." And although our church is not full of children - we're the youngest couple there by many years, our residency program is filled with children and babies and pregnant women.

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