Lately, while driving through the lovely South Carolina countryside, I've noticed something that makes me furrow my brow. Occasionally one will drive by the property of what must be a somewhat overprotective landowner. On every other tree which borders the road, one will see a sign reading: "Posted: Keep Out" or occasionally a more verbose sign will read: "Posted: No tresspassing, no hunting, no fishing, no loitering, no lawn darts, no croquet, etc." First, I'm struck by the fact that the sign begins with the word "posted." Well of course its posted, its hanging right there on the tree isn't it? Isn't that the definition of what it means for a sign to be a sign? Why does the sign need to begin by telling me that it is in fact posted to the tree, and not just laying in a drawer? Secondly, not only does it say "posted," but the word "posted" is usually in a font size 4,000 and the rest of the message of the sign is...