Jeff's January Reads

Against Christianity by Peter Leithart - Intense. Thought-provoking. Good. (9)
A Son To Me by Peter Leithart - Commentary on 1 & 2 Samuel. I never knew how much I was missing. (9)
A House For My Name by Peter Leithart - An overview of the OT. I want to read a lot more Leithart. (10)
The Making of a Man of God by Alan Redpath - Strength: lots of personal application from the life of David. Weakness: It reads like it was transcribed from sermons preached in the 1940's. (and Redpath was a pastor back then, so it might have been.) (5)
Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris - He's no Christian, but he's a darn good writer. I was sad every time a chapter ended because I wanted him to keep telling the story. (9)
The Elements of Style by Strunk and White - For school. 2 good pages. 149 other pages. (2)


Ken said…

Nice plug for Peter Leithart. Also nice job actually finishing books. You inspired me to post about the books I haven't finished!


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