
There's nothing better than a good book club to help you really enjoy reading a good book. I had a great book club back in Charleston with two excellent guys, Chris and Cy. We read Paradise Lost, Pilgrims Progress, and the first few chapters of Augustine's Confessions before disbanding due to Chris moving away. It was great. I enjoyed the books much more for reading them in community than I would have reading them alone. So I'm quite happy to be in a new book club. My professor Dr. Eve's and I are now reading The Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible by Emanuel Tov together. Granted, its no John Grisham, but it looks like its going to be pretty enjoyable. We just had our first meeting and had a good time discussing the Samaritan Pentateuch and the textual tradition behind the Septuagint. It was a wild and crazy time. If any of you readers would like to get in on this book club just let me know!

In other book news... I just found out today that because of the degree program I am in at Erskine, I have similar library privileges to the faculty. I can check books out for four months! Is that awesome or what? And at the end of four months I can go online and renew for another four months! I'm going to need a bigger backpack.


Ken said…
I like books, too, especially when you can check out big piles of them and admire them for months!

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