Aubrey Tell, #333

My body markings are slowly fading from my first ever triathlon, and I didn't come in last! Overall I was 71st out of 103 total women, not too bad for a first timer. The oldest female to beat me was 53. And I did get beat by a 67 year old man. But I came in 7th out of 18 novice females. My total time was 1:27:24, with 10:59 on the swim, 46:18 on the bike and 27:18 on the run, meaning that I ran around a 9 minute mile, which is a fast time for me running. I even missed the last turn on the run, which added a few extra seconds to my time. I would like to do another one, hopefully getting some more practice on the bike, which was definitely my worst part. Having to borrow a bike that didn't quite fit probably didn't help that either. Overall, I was quite excited about my time, and racing is always fun, especially with my husband and mom there to cheer me on. I am looking forward to the next one. So enjoy some photos!


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