An update.

I was chatting with my cousin, Marian, yesterday (along with lots of other friends and acquaintances) and we were catching up and I realized that I hadn't really posted an update about our life. I mean, I've blogged about vacation and cute Judah pictures and infertility, but nothing about what is going on with our family since last summer.

The short version, I guess, is that things are about the same. Jeff is still not preaching anywhere. I am still working part time. Judah is still growing.

The longer version goes something like this:
Jeff spent much of this past year focusing on finishing his Th.M. - which he successfully defended (with honors - he's my husband so I can brag) at the end of June. The last 4 months or so, he's also been much more active on the job hunt. Unfortunately, it's sort of a bad time to be looking for a pastoral job. With the economy the way it is, churches aren't hiring additional staff and so there are more people looking for jobs than there are job available. But Jeff has been diligent to chase down leads and talk to lots of friends and acquaintances in the denomination to see if anyone else has any suggestions. Although we'd love to be near family, we are applying to lots of jobs all over. I am trying not to be afraid about the possibility of moving far away.

We are still going to our same church. I have continued to be incredibly proud of Jeff as he faithfully and gracefully continues to serve our church in ways that do not include preaching. He is essentially leading the pastoral search committee. We are hopeful that the committee will find a wonderful man to continue to minister at Liberty Springs, and are excited about the person who is currently doing pulpit supply.

We are in sort of a holding pattern, I guess, waiting to see what God has for us next. We are thankful that I have a great job and can continue working there until we need to go somewhere else.

I do not know what our next step will be, but God is here, beside us in the uncertainty, and we are excited to see his plan unfold!


Sue Tell said…
And we too are excited to see God's plan for your family unfold as well. :)

We're so proud of you! I COR 1:31 ~ Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord ...
We're proud of what God has done and is doing in your lives ... God is faithful!

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