Revival Wrap-up

Last night we had our fifth and final night of our Community Revival in the park. Here are a few of the highlights from the last few nights.

- The last night was a great finish with one of the black choirs singing their hearts out, and one of the energetic black preachers bringin' it like only a black pastor can.

- The pastor of the Spanish church made several announcements in Spanish with his daughter translating for him. With my poor-to-mediocre Spanish skills I could tell that she was giving fairly loose translations. My favorite was her translating "hermanos" with "ya'll," she was going straight from Spanish to Southern.

- Every night we had over 100 people turn out, always a good mix of races, backgrounds, ages, and every other demographical category.

- It was good to get to experience some of the other traditions of other churches. Some of them made me grow in appreciation for the other traditions, and some of them made me grow in appreciation for my own tradition!


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