December 25

Holidays are family time.

Striped socks make me happy.

Because we didn't have enough books already..... Now Jeff has a few things (systematic theology, anyone?) to keep him occupied until classes start in January.

Possibly the best part of the day was when my dad FINALLY got our video conferencing system set up and we got to actually WATCH Sam opening presents this morning. And it actually felt like our whole family was together, even though a number of us are many miles away, in the cold, cold land of Iowa.


Amy said…
Interesting... when did Gilmore Girls become seminary curriculum? he he he

Merry Christmas!
Melanie said…
Funny, Gilmore Girls was the first thing I saw in that stack, too... after all, when Aubrey gets Gilmore Girls I'm first in line to borrow, right? :)

Andrew actually said that he wished we'd been able to eat Christmas dinner together over the webcam. Ha.
Ken said…
You've covered all the Shomo bases here! Cheryl likes bringing new pets into the home, and I like bringing new books into the house. Those are great pics.

Jeff, if those books were all Christmas presents you've got a good thing going.
Anonymous said…
Pilgrims at Ashley Avenue???

Alexander Brown said…

I am glad that you got Grudem's Systematic Theology. I would say that it is my favourite Systematic Theology, and have found it very helpful. I would be keen to hear what you think of it.


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