The Big Two-One!

There are celebrations going on at the Tell household this month. We have a big birthday that we are celebrating. Yes, every year around this time Aubrey and I are starting to gear up for birthday season. Aubrey closes out the season with her late October birthday, I'm right in the middle of things with my mid September birthday, and you know who kicks everything off with their August birthday........


We don't know his exact birthday, but we traditionally celebrate in August because it was August, 1994 that Junior became a part of the Tell household. Yes, we adopted him when he was 8 years old, and this is now his thirteenth birthday with us.

Junior was the first truck I ever had. My dad and I went in together to buy him (Dad buying the lion's share) when I was 16 years old. Yup, its true, I'm one of those spoiled ones who got an awesome bright red truck when he was 16 years old! I think I was probably the envy of the school, although no one dared voice their admiration for Junior out loud. Probably a pride thing or something.

Much of Junior and I's story together can be told by his stickers. You can see some of them in the picture below. There are two stickers from The Navigators, since my parents and I were living at Glen Eyrie when we first got Junior. We had to live there for 6 months while my parents house was being built. My education can be traced through Junior as well. That green octagonal sticker on the front windshield is a parking pass for Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, the land of my undergraduate sojourn. The back window sports multiple parking stickers from Covenant Theological Seminary. And next weeks I will place on the bumper a sticker for Erskine Theological Seminary. These many travels are also reflected in multiple state inspection stickers, one from Colorado, one from Missouri, and, well, South Carolina doesn't do inspections. Of cars, or anything else.

Most uniquely, perhaps, if you look reeeeeeeeaaally closely at the picture below, you will see that above the rearview mirror is a pair of sunglasses that my friend Keith left in Junior when we were in college. I graduated in 1999. That's kinda weird if you think about it.

You will also notice in the picture that in honor of his big 21st, Junior is enjoying a cold one. (please comment if any of you have a car old enough to drink)

And I think in this picture below, that if you look just so, you can detect a faint smile. He's a happy truck.

(posted by Jeff, even though it says Aubrey)


Rachelle said…

I've been looking all over for those things!
Anonymous said…
jeff, you are so funny! i love reading your blogs. and, happy birthday to junior, of course!
Anonymous said…
oh, jeff...that last comment was from me...barbara
Melanie said…
Happy Birthday Junior. None of our neighbor-cars in Iowa give us nearly the warning that our neighbors are coming home as you used to. I'm sure your new Greenwood neighbors appreciate your "voice."
Anonymous said…
I love that junior! Happy Birthday! And he is for sure a happy truck!
Miss ya'll.
Anonymous said…
I'm proud to say I knew Junior when he was the new to the Tell family - and I think you're right to be celebrating in August.

It's cool to think about all the places he's taken you! And you've done a great job loving him all 13 years.


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