
Continuing my recent adventures in bread making, last night I decided to make a Challah! (is it more proper to say "make some Challah?") Challah is a traditional Jewish bread, although in a blind taste test, I might not identify it as particularly Jewishy tasting. But it is delicious. And pretty. It's some of the best looking bread around, it really flaunts its stuff. Between this and bagels I'd say those Jews really know what's what when it comes to making yummy bread products.

Here is my Challah before going into the oven...

And here is the finished product, see how good looking this bread is?

That bread is so pretty its almost hard to tell who is better looking in this next pic, me or the bread. (ok, me by a long shot, but still.. it wasn't a fair comparison for the bread.)

Mmmmmm... smells so good.......


Megan said…
Jeff - that's unstinkingbelievable. Way to go. You can start your own weekly "Cooking with Jeff" blog thing.

Can I have a bite?
Megan said…
Oh wait. Guess I'd have to have some extra points left for that. I'll settle for a sniff.
Melanie said…
I totally thought that was Aubrey writing, and was confused when I thought she should have said, "Which is more good-looking ... the bread or my husband." You had me speed-scrolling down to check the author. Most impressive, and I like how Challah! has an exclamation! mark! after it! so many times! I think "Challah!" might be the next "Eureka!"
Anonymous said…
English muffins AND Challah? You and Aubrey are going to have to open up a bakery in Greenwood. Forget this whole doctor/pastor plan. It would be wrong to deprive the world of your baking talents. :) You can serve all the breads toasted, with some of Aubrey's jam.
Rachelle said…
Awesome job with the bread. I'm quite impressed with the baking skills.
Aubrey said…
Challah! is also fairly fun to say, except that sometimes when Jeff says it, he does that thing that boys do when they are trying to clear all the snot out of their throat. I hate that sound. It grates on my every nerve.

But the bread is quite tasty. I never knew I was marrying such a gourmet.

It's been a nice surprise.
Emilie said…
The Challah! is gorgeous. I'd like to think the eggs that came from our apartment had a great influence. ha ha. Impressive. If you want to try more baking adventures and need some test subjects. . . just yell through the bathroom floor/ceiling.
Ken said…
Hey, I just commented on a different post about the speed scrolling thing. Now I'm embarrassed.

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