Life at the Bank

Just a few choice tidbits from life at the bank lately...

- Yesterday I was walking back to the bank after having walked home for lunch. I took a slightly different route (ashley to cannon to courtney). While approaching the intersection of Cannon and President street I saw a man on the other side of the street acting kinda weird. That's not too uncommon around here, so I minded my own business. But while waiting for the light to turn, so I could cross the street, I glanced back over at him. Now he was standing directly across the street from me, in an athletic pose, going through a karate chop routine with his hands, while staring intently at me. That's odd, I thought. I kept watching as he finished a fairly elaborate karate kid routine, never taking his eyes off me. And with a little flair at the finish, he he extended his pointer finger on his right hand, and slowly and deliberatly, while still staring at me, raised his finger to his nose and pushed his glasses up higher on his nose. And with that he was done, and walked away. I walked away too, amused, and slightly worried.

- On a seperate occasion, last week I was opening a new checking account for a 22 year old male. He had never had a checking account before, so I was going through the routine questions. Name? Address? Did he want a debit card? And finally...
Me: Would you like me to order you a box of checks?
Him: What?
Me: Would you like me to order you a box of checks?
Him: What?
Me: Checks. Would you like a box of checks?
Him: You mean like the cereal?

- Finally. A few weeks ago I was chatting with some of our tellers. Some various trivia emails had been going around, bringing up odd topics. So one of the tellers challenged me to name 5 countries in Africe. I did, without to much trouble, if I might add. I challenged her to name 5 countries in South America. She couldn't think of one. She asked me what the smallest continent is. I said Australia, she challenged me that it is actually Europe. Its not, its Australia. Then she asked me how many countries were in North America, thinking this was a hard question. Things went on from here, and generally got more embarassing for her, until finally she had to admit, "I've never been very good at geometry."

That's for sure.


Ken said…
Those last two stories were very funny. The first was a little disconcerting...
Anonymous said…
Just how easy is the North America question? There are like 39 in this list. And still 20-something not including territories.
Anonymous said…

Yes, technically you are correct. But I still think of all those little countries as being Central America, not North America. yeah, yeah, central america is not really its own continent, blah blah blah...
Laughing and laughing...thank you. I needed that today.

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