update from Texas:

1. My time here is winding down. I'm very ready to go home.

2. I borrowed a car (Hallelujah!) over the weekend and got to get out of my apartment. I actually walked to Mexico. Well, I drove to the border, and then walked across the bridge. It was me and the retired people. Mexico, I've learned, is apparently the place to go for cheap dental work and prescription drugs. I'm not sure how I'd feel about getting dental work done in another country, but tons of the retired folks here swear by it. It is also the place to go for knock-off Gucci bags, pirated DVDs, and cheap margaritas.

I bought some tasty, fresh tortillas from Mexico, which I've used to make quesadillas. Yum.

3. One big benefit about not having much to do for fun has meant that I've been able to get lots of sewing done on my quilt. I might actually finish it. And soon.

4. I learned last week that the guy who announces the words at the national spelling bee, who has an exceedingly distinctive voice, (not that I'm admiting to actually watching the national spelling bee) won the bee maybe 20 years ago.

5. Last week, I thought a lot about that verse in Matthew (?) where Jesus is talking about judgement, and he tells people, "I was a stranger and you invited me in." Even in just that one week of feeling like a stranger and having the loneliness that comes with not knowing anyone, I have a renewed understanding for why Jesus uses that as a standard. My tiny taste of that life reminded me of how badly people want a place to fit in, a community that they can call home. I need to pray that my eyes are opened to those around me, in my life at home, who I can bring into the circle of my life so they might find a place where they are rejuvenated and encouraged.


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