The Prom

Tonight was the MUSC version of the Senior Prom. Here, we call it the "Senior Ball" since I guess that sounds more adult. But I kind of felt a little like I was in high school today since two of my med school friends and I went shoe shopping before the big dance, and we were all giving each other advice about what looked nice and how to do our hair.

As I was getting ready to go, though, I briefly wished I was a little more girly, since I know NOTHING about doing my hair, and only a little about doing my makeup. I was wishing I could call someone (my mommy?) to come and help me with the hair. But a last minute trip to Eckerd's saved the day since I got some bobby pins and a curling iron. (I figure you can never go wrong with those.)

And since this seems to be the season of accomplishing life goals, the dress that I wore was actually one that I MADE. Yes, that's right. It was like the home-ec class I never had. I sewed my own dress. And I must say, I'm pretty proud of the results. I know if you were to really study the dress, you'd be able to tell it was handmade, with a few quirks due to my lack of sewing ability, but I didn't stick out like a sore thumb. I had been looking for a simple black dress made from a dressier material for a while, and couldn't find one I liked that wasn't ridiculously expensive, so I went to Hancock Fabric and found material and a pattern, and away I went. At times like this, it's nice to live above a wonderful seamstress who can help me when I don't know what I'm doing. (Thankfully this seems to be less often these days.) It was easier than I expected, although I still had to rip out more seams than I care to admit.

And without further ado, here are some photos:

See the nice view from the aquarium?

Barbara, Rachel and I..... (Rachel made my super pretty red earrings that matched....

these red shoes that were my favorite part of my outfit. I felt spunky wearing red shoes.

Here you can see pretty much the whole dress, but sadly my cute shoes are cut out.
And here is the back, which I really love. It's hard to tell in these photos, but the dress has a sheer layer with a few sequins and embroidery, and then a silky layer underneath.

Now I'm tired and going to bed.


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