Vicarious Nesting

I can't believe it's been over two months since I last wrote something. Such is life when you are pregnant with your third and working. Sigh. Hopefully someday I'll be able to write more.

My mom is currently visiting us, which is awesome! Since she has been here, she has cleaned:
All our drawers in our kitchen
Our oven
Our cabinets
Our pantry
Our laundry room
The kitchen sink (This might not seem like much, but we have this old porcelain sink that was super stained and no matter how much I cleaned it, it still was stained and dirty. My mom worked her magic and it now looks pristine.)
Countless loads of laundry
Countless loads of dishes
My sewing area (I did help a tiny bit here.)
Helped me clean and rearrange Judah's room so we could set up a bed in there for Naomi

And I seriously might be leaving a few things off the list. Not included are all the books she has read, games she has played, nor legos and baby dolls she has played with two children who adore her.

 I love my mom.

And nesting vicariously.


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