1. I love my baby girl but she is turning me into someone I never thought I'd be: someone who co-sleeps. It was drilled into my head during residency that the safest place for baby to sleep is alone, on their back, in a crib. But while it may be safer, she doesn't sleep well there. We will get there eventually, I'm sure, but if I want any sleep for now, I have to sleep with her snuggled up next to me. And I will say that I am mastering the art of nursing her in my sleep. 2. I am already dreading going back to work. Thankfully, it won't be for a while. 3. I'm reading one of the best books I've read in a while - a book by one of my seminary professors, Zach Eswine. It's called Sensing Jesus: Life and Ministry as a Human Being . He speaks a lot about being a pastor who is also a real life person, but I feel like most of what he writes is applicable to everyone. He was one of my favorite professors and is also an excellent writer and speaker, so the book has...