
I recently realized that I needed to get started on Judah's quilt again if I want to finish by his birthday. Two months might seem like a long time, but considering my current quilt-finishing trend, it's a bit of a stretch.

When I started back on it yesterday, I had this idea that I didn't need to make that many more quilt squares. I guess I was imagining them to be bigger than they are or something.

Tonight I actually measured them and did some quick math in my head to figure out how many squares I'll need to make a twin-sized quilt.

Turns out it is about 80. I kept trying to get the math to somehow equal a lower number, but I think that's the number I'm stuck with. So far I have 24 squares finished. Just over a fourth of what I need. Then I have to actually quilt the thing, which is actually what I think is the hardest part. I do love to sew, but with longer projects I often lose steam. I like the instant gratification of shorter projects much better.

I guess I know how I'll be spending my evenings for a while....


Unknown said…
How ambitious, Aubrey! If you need help finishing, there's a great quilting shop in Laurens on the square. They did the quilting for Seth's t-shirt quilt after Mom and I (well, really just Mom) sewed together the front and back. We were super pleased with how the quilt turned out.

Check out the results!
Sue Tell said…
I too like shorter projects ~ about 2/3rds of the way through a scarf I'm ready for it to be long enough!

Because I'm finished the scarf, I'm ready to start your hat! Don't remember the pattern you said you liked. Do you want to look on line and find something?

Also need help with linking ... are you home tonight??

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