January Reflections 2011

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I remember once soon after Jeff and I were married being asked if there was anything that had surprised me about being married. At the time, there really wasn't. I loved being married. I especially loved (and still love) being married to Jeff.

What has surprised me since then, though, is how much we laugh. We laugh over meals. We laugh together watching TV. We laugh in the car. Sometimes when we are arguing it ends in laughter. My favorite moments being married to Jeff are when we are lying in bed at night and he makes me laugh so much I get the hiccups.

I guess it shouldn't surprise me too much, then, that one of the things that I love most about Judah is how easily he laughs. I love that he has ticklish ribs, ticklish knees, and a ticklish back. I stick out my tongue at him and he laughs. He sometimes will grab at my nose and I make a honking sound and he laughs. I often pretend that I'm eating his fingers while he is nursing and it makes him laugh. The sound of Judah laughing has easily become my favorite sound.

I don't know what 2011 will hold for us. We will be starting to look for a new job for Jeff, which will likely mean a move to a new city. I'm sure in the midst of all the changes that I expect to come our way there will be many moments of joy and some of tears.

One thing I pray is that no matter our circumstances in the years to come
our house will always be filled with laughter.


I love how you melted several prompts into one and I'm excited to see where you two end up. Maybe we'll all be in the same city!? Who knows. Clif just got an interview in MI, not on my radar at all.
You will live longer, too, if you laugh daily. True story.
Alecia W. said…
As I've been reflecting on all the places military life will take us, I've been praying these verses, “If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will quide me, Your right hand will hold me fast.” – Psalm 139:8-10 I'll be praying them for you three as well! :)
Ken said…
Man, what a GREAT post!

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