Things I miss.

Obviously LA has a lot to offer and we have been trying to take full advantage. But here is a quick and short list of some things that I'm missing from SC.

1. My family. Clearly, this is the biggest thing. Judah probably asks to visit Nana's house at least daily. We loved being close to family and are sad that they are so far away. I'm looking forward to a visit soon.

2. The rain. I know that most of upstate SC may want to kill me, but I loved the summer rains. (maybe if I were there now I'd be singing a different tune). I love running in the rain and its smell and the sound it makes on the windows. We have had maybe 15 minutes of sprinkle since we've been here.

3. Time on the lake. We do have the pacific ocean, but it doesn't beat being able to water ski over the glassy green water of Hartwell.

4. My job. Hopefully I can get a new one soon... Which also sort of dovetails into how I miss taking my kids to a doctor that I knew really well.

5. The yard. Lucy loved being able to lay out in the sun and I miss being able to play in a fenced yard with Judah and Lucy, or just sitting in the grass and watching them run around.

6. Although I love our new church, it is comprised of mostly young folks. I love having lots of people our age and kids for Judah to play with, but I really miss having an older generation around. I was blessed to have some wise ladies at our old church and miss them here.

7. Scenic countryside driving. We've been on some scenic drives around here, but city-scenic is just different than country-scenic.

8. A nice bathtub. The master bathroom here just has a big walk in shower. I like the shower, but the only bathtub is a standard bath/shower combo that isn't as relaxing as the one in our Greenwood house.

9. Hardwood floors. Our new place is carpeted everywhere except the kitchen and bathrooms. Why anyone would carpet a dining room in a rental house is sort of beyond me. I'm hoping we can start a campaign to have the carpets removed or something since they look so bad.

So that's my list for the day.


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