Play kitchen update!

I thought I was ready to prime and paint, but after further reflection, I realized that I needed to make any and all construction/changes before doing any painting. So, here it is, divided into two sides, with slats on the inside that will support shelves. It's all sanded now, and after I took these photos I even used wood putty to fill the holes. I think I'll be painting next.(The tall cabinet that will be a fridge has only been sanded a bit. I haven't done any renovation on that one.) If you're interested, here's the before.

You can see the slats better in this shot. I had one shelf for one side, but accidentally had them cut it a hair too short at Lowe's. Apparently that adage about measuring twice and cutting once slipped by me.
I bought primer today, and am debating about colors. I can't decide if I should leave it all white, or maybe do some accents in another color. Maybe the door of the cabinet and oven in a brighter color? Any thoughts?


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