Some things.

1. Judah likes to watch the PBS show called "Super Why" on TV. But he calls it "poo-per why." Which makes me giggle every. single. time.

2. On a similar note, when I'm putting on his jammies at night, he often covers up his eyes to play peekaboo with me. But he says "Pee-pee-boo." I'm not sure why he seems to be obsessed with bodily functions, but I guess as I'm raising a boy I should get used to it.

3. I downloaded a new album on iTunes today, per the recommendation of my youngest brother who gives me all my music recommendations and has yet to fail me. The band is called "At Atlas to Follow" and its members are made up of one of his roommates and one former roommate. The EP was excellent and reminiscent of  Mumford and Sons and The Civil Wars, two of my other current favorites. So go and support this up and coming band!

4. I'm also totally obsessed with the Phillip Phillips single that is out. I did not really watch American Idol, but I love his song called "Home." NBC has played it several times behind some clips of the women's gymnastics highlights, but I had been enjoying it on the radio before I knew who sang it. It's been running in my head all day and so I finally decided to download the whole thing. It's also excellent if you want something to add to your playlist.

5. My boy is very sweet. He is really getting more into giving good hugs and kisses, especially when he wakes up in the morning or from his nap. I love it.


Katie said…
Another music recommendation- Sol Driven Train. Maybe you've heard of them bc, they're from Charleston. Playing a big 2-day fest at the Windjammer on IOP this wknd. My brother is the trombone player and one of the singers/ song writers. Of course, I think they are awesome, but many other do too :) They are on iTunes and Also, on their site I think there are some songs to preview for free. Enjoy!

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