More Judah talk

Judah has been saying some really cute things lately.

1. We had a good friend from church babysit a few weeks ago and she must have used the phrase "two minutes" as a kind of warning for him that it was almost time for bed. So now, whenever Judah wants to do something for a little bit longer, he says "play two minutes." What is funny is that sometimes the first thing he says when he wakes up is "play two minutes." It's also really adorable when he says "wock two minutes" (rock two minutes) before it's time for bed.

2. He's started saying "good morning" but it sounds more like "good mornin'." He also will sometimes talk about wanting to do a particular activity "in da mornin'."

3. His current name for himself is "baby 'dah" as in "baby Judah." I am trying to convince him he's not actually a baby anymore especially since another baby is on the way, but my efforts have not been successful thus far. Sometimes if he does something funny he'll say "Siwwy baby 'dah" which makes me laugh every time. Today he asked Jeff if he could walk out of the hospital by saying "Baby 'Dah walk?" If you ask him his name, though, he says "Judah" so he sort of knows it's not actually his name.

4. He gets his pronouns confused frequently, and will sometimes very, very emphatically say, with a very serious face "YOU do it." Which actually means "I'll do it" or even "I want to do it and I'll get mad if I don't." I really have to think when he's using the pronoun "you" to determine who he is actually referring to.

5. He apparently patted the tummy of the very pregnant lady who works in childwatch at the Y and, when asked who was in there, told her "baby."

6. He will ask us to sing for him while we are rocking him by singing a note "Ahhhh."


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