
Tell Garden 2010 is underway!! This will now be my third summer of gardening, and I like to think I've learned a little something from the first two summers. If nothing else, I've learned that you don't need to start everything indoors. Many vegetables, and all herbs do just fine being started out doors once things warm up. But the tomatoes and peppers I still start inside. They grow kinda slowly, so they can use the head start.

Here they are, starting...


Ed said…
I've tried two or three times to start tomato plants from seed, and mine die every time-- either in the trays, or just after I transition them. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but NOT sure what it is.

Yours are looking good, though...
Jeff said…
Ed - thanks for the comment. If I were a master gardener I'd dole out some advice. But as it is, I'm pretty amazed every year when mine grow and make tomatoes. I chalk it up to SC being a hospitable growing environ, and talking to them lovingly!

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