diaper bag

I had almost decided that I wasn't going to get my little diaper bag done before the baby came. Not because I thought I didn't have enough time, but I was just having a hard time motivating myself to work on it.

But I guess a nesting or crafting instinct took over - and so I finished it up this morning. I really love how it came out. It also helped me understand why people who make cute bags and sell them on etsy charge so much - it really took me a while to do, though making up a pattern as I went along definitely made me have to stop and think about how I wanted to do everything.

Anyway....here it is:

I love the zippered pocket on the front.

Inside front.

Here is the inside - it has two elastic pockets. (It's hard to photograph the inside of a bag.)

The back pocket might be my favorite part - I love how the pleats look.

And...it has a completely adjustable strap.

So now I guess the baby can really come - I think I don't have anything else to make.....


Comom said…
Tooooo cute. I love the pleats too.
GMoM said…
Good Job! You really are nesting! I'll come help feather the nest tomorrow! Love you! Moms!
Pam said…
Very cute and those pleats are very impressive!

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