An overdue post.

Here is what I've been working on lately:
Growing a new human!

Obviously I have been having some trouble blogging regularly since starting my new job, but getting pregnancy really has thrown me for a loop. Those first few weeks are just brutal with the fatigue and nausea that are compounded by, you know, actually having responsibilities like taking care of children and working. Thankfully I seem to be past all that now, and have noticed that I actually have a little energy. Today I even cleaned out the frig.

Baby should arrive sometime in early December and we are once again waiting until baby's birthday to discover the gender.

I have lots of thoughts about being pregnant again, rather easily, after all our previous problems, so maybe I can write down a few soon. We are getting more and more excited (and terrified) about adding another one to the mix.


Angie Dishman said…
Oh yay! Congratulations! I'm sorry that I haven't been blog-checking lately (you can tell it's been a while!)! We moved 2 months ago and I'm just now feeling settled.

My point?!! CONGRATS! So exciting! Going from 2 to 3 is a leap, for sure, but family dynamics are always up for change. And in the case of adding a new member - always for the better, in my opinion. :)

Again, congratulations!

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