
The biggest news at the Tell House lately is that we finally closed on our SC house.

This is a huge answer to prayer, obviously, since paying both the mortgage on our house and our rent here in CA is no fun, and has made for some added stress.

And yet, I found myself a little sad. I loved that house. Our first house - the house where we brought home our babies, and lived through 6 years of the joys and sorrows of residency and married life. I think, too, that part of me had this thought that if things didn't work out here, we had this safety net of a home to go back to.

And now that's gone. And even though I know God has called us here, the thought of not really having something to fall back on is a little terrifying.

Goodbye, Oak Ridge Drive. We'll miss you.
I guess now I really need to make a new blog title.


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