December 3: We buy a Christmas tree and I take lots of great photos.

This was supposed to publish last night but our internet was on the fritz. So today you'll get two posts!

We got our tree today and decorated it while drinking hot chocolate and listening to "Behold the Lamb of God." Judah was WAY excited about tree decorations. It was a lot of fun picking up the tree with him and getting out all the decorations, even if he did already ask about when he is going to get a present. Apparently we need to work on remembering who this season is all about.

It's beginning to feel more like Christmas now that there are stockings hanging up.

After getting the tree we went to the playground for a bit. Which is why there are so many photos. I just couldn't pick one.


Jessi said…
I love the photos! You are so good at keeping up with blogging. :-)
Aubrey said…
Hah! I feel like I've been a real blogging slacker lately but posting daily photos seems like a good way to reboot the habit.

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