Room update

My mom and dad came down this weekend to be available to watch the kids since I was on OB call and there was a possibility I would get called in. Since Jeff had watched the kids all week while I worked, he needed all day saturday to work on his sermon. In the end, I didn't have to go in, but we all enjoyed a nice visit with my parents. Mom and I were able to get some stuff hung up in Judah's room so it finally doesn't look so bare.
The animal prints are from this fun etsy shop.
I also searched on etsy for vintage train posters and found these two very cool vintage illustrations. Since taking this photo, I also added a clock to this little grouping. The clock was one we used to have hanging up in our living room, but I spray painted it with some leftover paint from the bed. Judah was very excited about the clock.
The letter and frame hanging up in the other corner were made by Melanie, my SIL, just after Judah was born. Judah is sort of obsessed with the letter J and says, "Dat's my J!" anytime he sees one. The wooden frame holds a page from an old hymnal with the hymn "All For Jesus" on it. Although Judah prefers that I sing him other songs these days, this is the hymn that we picked out to be "his" hymn when he was born. (Which reminds me that I need to pick out a hymn for Naomi. I'm leaning towards "Be Thou My Vision" but haven't totally decided yet.)
The picture hanging next to the window is one that used to hang up in my room when my brother and I shared a room. The picture above the dresser also coordinates with it.
I'd like to add a hook or two under the light switch and find a small bookcase or hang some shelves to put some books on. But I like that his room looks a little more lived in now.


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