What I'm loving right now. In pictures.

And no, this doesn't include my kids, although of course I do love them. This is more of the material items I've been enjoying lately
1. My mommy necklace. I just recently got my Naomi update.
Get yours here.This was actually made by a friend of mine, who is married to a pastor and has three lovely daughters.

2. The Nana necklace. I didn't get it at the first place because my mom mostly wears gold. This was her birthday present and it looks wonderful on her. You can't see it very well in this photo, but each disc is hammered.
Get one here.

3. These scissors. Melanie told me about them. They are toddler-safe scissors that actually cut paper. Judah enjoys them in as much as Judah's favorite kinds of crafts are the kind where you are destroying things.
Here he is hard at work.
4. Do-a-dot paint set. Melanie also told me about these. I like doing craft time with Judah but often get frustrated because I go through the trouble to get everything out and make a mess and then he is entertained for about 3 minutes. With these, there is no mess and it takes only a second to get them out. Win for everyone. Both the scissors and the paints I got at an educational store in Seneca, but you can also find them on amazon.
5. My new personalized stationery. I also got some for Jeff, both ordered from this store. It looks fantastic. This might be new go-to present for people. Because who doesn't like a nice-looking personalized notecard set? I love how the globe ones have a very masculine feel. Personalized stationery doesn't exactly scream "masculine" but these notecards do.


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