The bonus afternoon.

It has been a long week. Being 35 (!) weeks pregnant and working 12 hour days is sort of catching up with me. Between the 3:30 am delivery and the funeral of one of our ruling elders this week I am ready for this week to be over.

God was gracious, though. Our list has been fairly short this week - I only had to round on 9 patients this morning. (It's not uncommon for me to round on twice that many.) And all morning long I thought I was on day call today taking new admissions. But just after lunch my partner informed me that HE was on call. Not me. So suddenly my afternoon opened up. We had already planned on my parents keeping Judah this weekend so Jeff could get his work done, so my free afternoon was really free. I went to the gym, took the dog on a long walk, and did a little cleaning. Jeff and I had a date. I made cookies.

It was the best surprise I've gotten in a while - because since I'm not on call today, I'm also not on call on Sunday. Which means just one more day call and I'm finished with my week! And just one more work week and I'm done working until the baby comes. 

And now I'm feeling refreshed and like I can face my last two work days this week.


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