Some things.

1. Everyone will be happy to know that my patient who had perforated his bowel left the hospital last week, eating, walking, and even promising that he was not going to drink anymore alcohol. We can hope that he is able to stay committed to sobriety.

2. I'm now 24 weeks pregnant, nearly 25. I breathed a sigh of relief in both pregnancies at this point, knowing that if I went into labor unexpectedly my baby actually would have a good chance of making it. Of course I know things can still go wrong, but with every kick and hiccup I'm believing that I will get to meet this baby in December.

3. You know you're 24 weeks pregnant when you get excited about the new purchase of.... a pair of compression stockings. And your evening nightcap consists of two tums straight up with a zantac chaser.

4. This week is a little insane. I worked the weekend, and now we're heading on a little trip. (Photos to come!) We'll be gone, then get back and I have to go straight to work.

5. S'mores made with homemade marshmallows and homemade graham crackers taste divine.


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